How Coaching Works/Fees

How does Career and Life Coaching work?

My coaching is guided by what you want to accomplish. It’s flexible and creative—and fulfilling. Instead of a curriculum I use a variety of methods and tools tailored to your needs. The balance between career and life coaching depends on what’s most important to you. Usually there’s some of both, with more emphasis on career coaching. The life coaching part is most often focused on taming your inner critic and learning to tell yourself the truth.

I normally coach by Zoom. We will meet 3 times a month for 50 minutes, plus email support. After 3 months, the frequency is whatever you wish.

I ask clients to commit to 3 months of coaching because change can take time. I want to work with clients who are ready to put time and energy into moving ahead. I also offer a one-time Clarity Session.

For fee information see my sliding scale below.

Please note that I coach mainly during regular office hours.

Contact me for a free consultation. We’ll talk about your situation and how you can move forward, and we’ll see if my coaching is a good fit for you.

How long does coaching take?

While my clients often see changes rather quickly, lasting change can take time. Some clients feel complete after 3 months of coaching. Others want to continue making changes and they coach with me for longer.

Who are my clients?

My clients are people who want more out of career and life, want to make the world a better place, and are ready to make progress. They range in age from their late 20s into their 70s.

What does it cost?

My fees are on a sliding scale based on total annual household income of whoever is paying for the coaching.

I offer my coaching as an initial three-month package of 3 sessions per month. After three months the frequency is up to you.

Here’s the sliding scale:

Pricing Chart

*This is the household income of whoever is paying for the coaching.

I’d like to know more. What next?

Start with a free consultation.  Get in touch!

I also offer one-time Clarity Sessions–here’s more information.